Moving or relocating is huge, which means that before settling on any significant choices, you should think carefully why it is so important to move. Especially if the move is for love or your partner. Migrating to a totally new city is a big choice because it will affect both your professional and personal lives. When moving to be with a partner, the main reason will always be love. In any case, it is important to think very carefully instead of being eager or desperate, because maybe you aren’t prepared to move for love. Many relationships ended due to this step.
Here are 8 signs that shows moving for your partner of love could be your biggest mistake.
1. You think there will be no more problems

Many people think that by finishing distance between them and their partner might result in less problems. But no one can be ever sure about that. It totally depends on a person. If your partner never cared about you when you were not together, then your partner won’t care even if you are together.
2. Your partner hasn’t encouraged you to move

Your partner support for the move is compulsory to the survival of your relationship. If your partner hasn’t asked you to move, then surely something is wrong. Maybe they don’t see a future with you. Whatever it is, if they are not interested then moving for them is useless.
3. Are you both equally invested

Before taking any decision, sit and talk with your partner, see if their and your thinking are same or not. Are you both on same page of your relationship? Talk about future goals and plans to make sure you are going to take a right decision. When you move with your partner, you start to expect more, like being engaged or married which can create trouble later because your partner might be thinking something else.
4. You have to leave your family

Having family around is essential and ought to be a factor that is considered when making a major move. Everybody needs to be near their friends and family, yet relocating to another city does not mean you will never get the chance to see them. Notwithstanding, the affection and warmth that family speaks to can’t be disparaged
5. You have never thought before to move

Moving for just satisfying your lover, will only bring regret and problems. In the event that you had no attraction for moving before you met your loved one, it may be a warning to you that it’s a very bad idea. It will only end in a misery.
6. You aren’t used to spend much time together

Before deciding to live in see if you both are ready to handle each other for 24/7. Give both of yourself a chance by planning a holiday where you can stay with each other 24/7. If it proves to be successful, then go ahead.
7. Are you at a comfortable stage of your relationship

Evaluate where you are in a relationship. Are you all set for sharing your private things with your partner. Or are you okay with your partner seeing you in your bad days. If yes, then take a step.
8. You feel like are sacrificing a lot

If you are constantly feeling it’s not right or you’re giving up a lot, then moving is not a good idea.